A busy week socially! I have managed to do a decent cycle on four days this week. 75+ miles altogether including a few tasty hills. Today I cycled to have lunch with fellow Hatter Mick. My route took me up Frocester Hill into the wind and rain-I am having a sanity test later! It was hard work! We spent lunch talking about the signings the mighty Luton have made-hopefully the coming season will see our unfair purgatory end. The signs are encouraging!
Earlier in the week I joined the retired Heads group for lunch (I cycled there). I also went for a lovely walk with Moira and we had a good natter and saw a Hobby.
I also had a meeting this week about the sponsorsed ride in August-we decided that we are camping each night. As I have mentioned before it is in aid of Farms for City Children.
I’ve a couple of gigs next week including doing my Duck Soup story at the WWT.
I am still writing Misty although I am in the final part and struggling with writing about a tragic incident in the story -and the feelings of the characters-it is far too contrived at the moment.