
What a relief. I went to Cardiff last night and actually saw my team the Mighty Hatters win an away game. It is the 6th away game I have been to and the previous 5 have all been defeats! Scoreboard at the end in the picture below.

Also a picture of a sparrowhawk taken on my phone at Wick Court today. We first saw it tucked under a hedge behind a wire fence. Surprisingly it was still there a couple of hours later. I told the children you don’t normally get this close to a sparrowhawk! The young people from Maidstone asked some great questions 




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About bill

Bill Church is the story traveller, a former Headteacher who has a passion for sharing stories with people from 3 years up to 103 years of age. Bill loves stories; finding them (and the story’s story!), telling them and writing them! He is passionate in believing that everybody can tell stories and is keen to help people whatever their age do this. His blog ranges from his Story telling experiences to his obsessions sport, bird watching and cycling!

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