Are You A Writer????

My ego was boosted no end on Sunday when Clare and I had a cycle ride and had stopped for coffee at a farm in Arlingham. When I was at the till the young girl serving asked me the question for today’s title! “Are you a writer? It almost up there with the time in a London restaurant I was asked “Are you Bill Church?” (that was teacher who had visited Wick Court with his school) You can tell these moments are rarities!

I am only commenting on this now because the other side of this has occurred this week. The publisher of Pig the Legend has sent me back the remaining copies! So I have quite a few books here now. So anyone who wants a copy (if you haven’t got one) can contact me-PLEASE!!!!! On the positive side I only have two copies of Don’t Look At Me Like That!” (there are still 20 + copies of this book at Wick Court)



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About bill

Bill Church is the story traveller, a former Headteacher who has a passion for sharing stories with people from 3 years up to 103 years of age. Bill loves stories; finding them (and the story’s story!), telling them and writing them! He is passionate in believing that everybody can tell stories and is keen to help people whatever their age do this. His blog ranges from his Story telling experiences to his obsessions sport, bird watching and cycling!

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