I had a wonderful day on Sunday. We went to Mike’s for tea and his children and Julian’s family were there. Even had a cake with candles! Later we all went to see Gravity in 3D at the Imax in Cardiff. Visually stunning at times you felt you were in orbit! There wasn’t much of a story line and I felt it fizzled out towards the end.
Busy day yesterday mainly with HVV stuff with two meetings sandwiching my Wick Court birdwatching with children from Peckham. I had originally wanted to watch Shortwood in the FA Cup so managed to see the second half on TV. It’s not often you can say you have played football with two managers (John Evans and Alex Sykes) who are the joint managers of Shortwood!
No writing over the last few days, but I am still bubbling with ideas for my Dream story. Just been asked if I will go into Stroud College to do a Story Telling workshop.