Crossing the road in India was a hazardous undertaking! You had to be bold hold your arm out and hope the traffic stopped for you! Mumbai was often clogged with traffic so you could pick your way through. When in a taxi or a rickshaw you frequently winced as cars, motorbikes and rickshaws seemed to come to you from all directions- I never fathomed how roundabouts worked but somehow they did! Rajkot was more difficult to negotiate as the traffic moved faster. Amazingly at times traffic came at you from the wrong side of the road and nobody seemed to be too concerned! Despite all the chaos from my perspective I didn’t see any road rage/aggression like we have at home. Pictures below show some scenes mainly form Rajkot there is also a link to a short video below. One day coming back from the Test Match I sat on the back of the rickshaw and took pictures of the traffic behind one passenger on a motorbike pulled out a bunch of greenery and gestured to me it was a gift- it was passed to me as we were going along. It turned out to be chickpeas!