I am currently reading two books and both have captivated me. The first is A Room Made of Leaves by the Australian writer Kate Grenville about the early days of the new Australia through the eyes of the historical Elizabeth Macarthur. It is an easy read but thought provoking. The other book is much more niche! It is called They Played for David Pleat at Luton Town Volume 1. it is recollections from many players from the golden era in the history of my football team. I find it pleasingly nostalgic! I have several other books waiting to be read so I need to get a move on!
I am starting to play with ideas for The Two Severn Bores next show. I am letting them germinate at the moment.
Went for a cracking ride this morning to call on a friend.
Enjoyed seeing friends yesterday and then rushing home to watch the second half of the football. Not as fluent as the last two games but good enough to win our third successive match! The Championship is great football to watch because it much more exciting than the Premiership because the teams can beat each other.