
Kingfishers are wonderful birds and have seen a few recently.  I am currently working on a poem on this wonderful bird-I may share it with you all in a future blog if I manage to complete it.

Hope to do an update on my story tomorrow.

Today’s Quiz all on Birds -you can probably have a good guess at all of them.

a) What four South American countries have the Condor as their national symbol?  b) Which species of owl is found in every continent apart from Antarctica?   c) Which country has more species of flightless birds than any other?  d) Halcyon is a name for what bird in Greek legend?  e) The Anglo-Saxon name Ruddock is for which common British Bird?



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About bill

Bill Church is the story traveller, a former Headteacher who has a passion for sharing stories with people from 3 years up to 103 years of age. Bill loves stories; finding them (and the story’s story!), telling them and writing them! He is passionate in believing that everybody can tell stories and is keen to help people whatever their age do this. His blog ranges from his Story telling experiences to his obsessions sport, bird watching and cycling!

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