Apologies for not blogging this week but it has been all go! This mainly because it has been reasonably dry which is welcome. Spent most of Monday demolishing our dilapidated fence and with Steve we had to slide in the new fence panels on the Wednesday-my goodness that was a trial! Clare was helping us using a rake to stop the panels from tipping over-the body was wrecked at the end.
Two lovely Story Telling sessions with young people this week -one at my local school Lakefield and I also did my last slot this term at Wick Court.
Wednesday night at the wonderful Three Horseshoes went really well despite having to cope with some performers being ill. We adapted well to some late withdrawals and we all did an extra turn. We ended up with nearly £100 donated for Farms for City Children in appreciation.
Have also managed to clock up the miles on the bike despite all the above and my usual Bird Watch with the young people at Wick Court.