Sorry hardly any Story Telling in this blog it is mainly sport!
I had a wonderful Friday at Edgbaston yesterday I was in the Hollies Stand which was fun and it lived up to it’s reputation for being lively and raucous. I knew our Peter was also in the Hollies so Clare sent him a message that his Dad had left in a bright red dress and red lipstick-he fell for it! (I didn’t but maybe next year!) It was proper Test Match “Ashes” cricket and I was thoroughly absorbed in the contest. Coming home I was keeping up to date with Luton’s first game back in Division 2 (it is now called the Championship). I got back just before Half Time and what a great advert for this level football. I will be watching them at Cardiff next Saturday.
I am meeting Dan (my fellow Two Severn Bore) to plan next year’s stories and music so will give you a hint of our potential performance direction in the near future.