Don’t think I’ve had a Madness song title before so it almost fits with being back at home. I thoroughly enjoyed my trip; good company, decent weather and of course some cricket! The walks were good as well especially getting away from the coastal sprawl. A picture of the rock I climbed off Calpe below.
I was straight back into Story Telling on Thursday at Wick Court. A delightful school from Kilburn and a super day, the Round House was a fitting setting. I did the “Golden Apple” the story of Paris having to choose which goddess “The fairest” to give the Golden Apple to. I was pleased with how I have tailored this story to my audience.
Currently writing up the story I wrote a year ago in Cuba about “Ming the Dragon”. Still haven’t quite worked out how to conclude it so it can still go off at tangents!
Went to an enjoyable game yesterday and we won! The quality of football from both sides was a credit to the 4th Division. Out on the bike tomorrow!