Hectic day in the Church household. Early doors this morning our new kitchen arrived; the work starts next week. Our garage is now full of the new units!
I later rode down to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust to tell the story I wrote for them earlier in the year-I called it “Duck Soup” after the Marx Brothers film – they have given it a less sensitive name! It was a lovely day andperformedin beautiful sunshine. I made some subtle changes in the telling and it was good to get back in the groove.
Did a bit more proof reading of the Misty story yesterday. It is slow progress!
Afterwards in one of the hides I watched 5 Buzzards following a tractor cutting the hay; the birds were hoping to catch small animals escaping. The Buzzards kept swooping down and often argued with each other locking talons – great entertainment!
Tomorrow we are off to see Brad and Cav in the Tour of Britain in Wales; really looking forward to it. Did a decent pedal yesterday up Frocester Hill; continue to be pleased with my climbing.