Magical Indian Adventure

A few pictures below of our Indian adventure. We have now played three games of cricket at three wonderful but contrasting venues.
Our first game at Shivaji Park was a mind blowing experience as at least 6 games of cricket were going on and we had fielders from two other games on our field! The day before when we arrived and had a net there must of been a 1000 people playing or having a net. Our second game was at the DY Patel Stadium a venue that hosts international cricket and IPL cricket. To say we were in awe was an understatement!

Last night we played under lights at Goregaon Sports Club – including a power play and use of DRS!!! I was captain so was interviewed at the toss, between innings and in the presentation ceremony! I have much sympathy for top sports people as a result of that experience.

Some pictures below.

More pictures to follow in future blogs


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About bill

Bill Church is the story traveller, a former Headteacher who has a passion for sharing stories with people from 3 years up to 103 years of age. Bill loves stories; finding them (and the story’s story!), telling them and writing them! He is passionate in believing that everybody can tell stories and is keen to help people whatever their age do this. His blog ranges from his Story telling experiences to his obsessions sport, bird watching and cycling!

2 thoughts on “Magical Indian Adventure

  1. Absolutely wonderful to read Bill. Hope you don’t mind but I will post up your report with photos on the Toosie Facebook page.
    Keep on posting!!

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