
had a bit of a disaster last night I dropped my laptop and it still had the plug attached and the pin sheared off! So I had to get a new plug unit – you won’t believe how many different variations of pin there are! I got one in the end. Talking of accidents when I was away I fell into a hole (wearing sandals) and hurt my toe- had a lot of swelling and although almost back to normal still hurts! There is picture below of it!- it is a little way down in case you don’t like horror pictures!

Did my third successive monthly visit to a care home in Nailsworth yesterday- they must like me!!!

I am off later to watch the Mighty Hatters later. Fingers crossed it is now getting desperate!





Being Gramps!!!

We had a lovely time today with our two wonderful grandsons. There are at that lovely age where everything is full of fun. Owen loves riding his bike  and is now able to stop which is a positive development. His two year old brother Robin now has a speedy waddle with a permanent grin and is always wanting to share a book! It is good for the soul, I do love the whole grandparent role!

Bitterly disappointed with the football yesterday where the referee certainly had a significant impact on the game – didn’t think I would ever say this but VAR would of helped us yesterday. I am off to Cardiff for a real six pointer on Tuesday- some might say I am glutton for punishment!

Since we have been back we have seen our male blackcap frequently but it might soon be on it’s way. The first summer migrants are beginning to trickle through!

Story Telling at a Care Home in Nailsworth tomorrow.


It is all action in our pond at the moment- counted 6 frogs frolicking in there today. Loads of spawn both frog and toad- some pictures below.


Quiz update- we had an emphatic win last night which has cemented our second place in the table!

Lovely Story Telling with young people from Bromley last night- they were transfixed as I told my “shaggy dog” story. More random pictures from India below!

First picture is my last game in the hills above Mumbai!







Story Telling Cycle

Managed to live up to my name as The Story Traveller today by cycling to my gig. I always vowed where possible I would cycle and not drive. Of course it isn’t always possible. Today was a perfect day to be on the bike- lovely sunshine both ways! I was asked to do poetry today so I performed a mixture of my own poems and some well known ones.

Off to a quiz match later- think I might be rusty! We are currently second in the league- we might slip back later!!!!

No time to sort pictures today but I will keep putting India ones on over the next week or so.

No Time For Jet Lag!!!!

We are both gradually adjusting to being home but at the moment we are tired and go to bed early only to wake in the early hours!!! I have been really busy with a full day story telling in Bristol on Tuesday and my volunteering today at Wick Court. Also story telling tomorrow morning – well the school has asked me to do poems.

A few random pictures from India below. The first one is the laundry in the Mumbai slums. Often 7,000 + items of clothing drying at the same time!


Below is me covered up at the Delhi mosque.

Some views from Shimla below!

Finally a cricket picture one of me just out has been in the blog before but I have fiddled with it! Do like the temple in the background plus the other games going on!


Indian Wildlife Part 2

More pictures below to enjoy!

Busy week ahead for me – story telling all day tomorrow, my usual volunteer bird watching at Wick Court Wednesday and double story telling an a quiz on Thursday. At the moment Friday is free but we may be on grandparent duties!




Tried to get the crocodile’s reflection in the water in this shot. More pictures to follow this week!