Another Busy Day

Short blog today as it has been yet another all go day in an action packed week. I visited two schools in the North of the County today storytelling (they were both run by the same head.) Despite being tired from my exertions but we went to Cheltenham Film Society tonight to see a French film “Night of the 12th – we are enjoying our film society membership.

Stories from the Bike!!!

I am called The Story Traveller because the idea is that I will cycle to me gigs whenever possible. Today I pedalled a round journey to Nailsworth of over 23 miles to tell stories in a care home that I visited just before Christmas. Had a lovely receptive audience. I get quite nervous on these gigs because I don’t want to patronise my audience because the  needs can be wide ranging. hard to get clothing right on the bike I was chilly to start with then far too hot!!!

Started packing for my sub continent adventure. nearly there! And yes I am story telling out there!!!


Red Kites and Stuff


Went to a superb talk on the reintroduction of red kites on Wednesday night. it has been a busy few days. We did the monthly bird survey out on the River Severn on a lovely Thursday morning. Bird numbers are down but we watched a marsh harrier flying over what we call the snipe field flushing the snipe. It was quite a spectacle.

Been faffing around sorting out my visa and stuff. Apart from packing (which will be another faff).

It is a busy week before I fly out on Thursday I have a couple of gigs this coming week as well as my usual volunteering at Wick Court so I do need to be organised!