Severn Birding

Had a lovely morning out by the River Severn doing the monthly bird survey. I was chuffed to spot the leucistic marsh harrier which is a striking and very  unusual bird (picture below but I didn’t take it) 

Some of the highlights of the survey were 50+ curlew, numerous whitethroats, lesser whitethroat, peregrine, 3 kestrels, redstart (my first this year), great white egret, 5 yellow wagtails and a surprise snipe (early for this species). The weather for once was perfect!

A couple of pictures of birds (Hobby and Redstart) we saw below that have been in the blog before (again not my pictures).




Trains, Trains, Trains and a bit of cricket!!!!

I said I had a better train tale (still struggling with the compensation claim!) On Monday we had a traditional August Bank Holiday family event. My late Sister’s family and my Brother’s family and mine all meet at Heath Park Cardiff to ride on a plethora of mini trains.  18 adults and 10 children had a great time (so did the children!)- One picture below -can you spot The Story Traveller (wearing a crumpled hat).


Yesterday I took my Gloucestershire Over 60s cricket team with some trepidation to Wales to play the number 1 seeds in the knockout competition . As captain my main job was to win the toss because there was so dampness on the pitch and rain possibly later. Of course I lost it! However my team battled an awkward pitch to score 176. We thought it might be a par score. When Wales went in the game fluctuated with each team having moments. It started to rain so my brilliant bowlers had a wet ball to contend with a wet ball. Duckworth Lewis looked like coming into play- we were ahead then behind as one batsmen started to hit sixes and it looked like we were heading for defeat. My superb bowlers struck back and ended up winning by 13 runs! We were cock a hoop and we now face a semi-final at home to Surrey next week! My team pictured below!


Stuck on a Train!!!

Having watched a poor game of football I made my way to Preston Railway Station in good time to catch the train. Train was on time and I was hopeful of a reasonable journey home. I embarked and waited for the train to depart. I waited….. waited ……waited and waited!!!! For 55 minutes!!! No driver! Apparently cows were on the line near Milton Keynes which meant our driver was delayed to drive us from Preston!!!!When he eventually was on our train we had to wait another 15 minutes before he was able to drive! Started to get anxious because my connection from Birmingham left at 9.12 and was the last train I could catch! I was relieved that I eventually got to my connection with  4 minutes to spare! I am now trying to plough through a compensation claim!

Have a better train tale for next blog!

Blog on a Train

Writing this blog on. a train heading North! Jerky and Wi-Fi  going in and out! I am hoping the Mighty Hatters get their first win of the season!
We have a family get together on Monday it has become a family tradition meeting at Heath Park Cardiff for a mini-train fest! Wonderful for the young people- it is the only occasion my late sister’s family, my brother’s family and my family can all meet up!


Apologies I haven’t updated my blog since the Taff Trail. It has been a busy time – we went down to Exeter and back on Monday to see our granddaughter Ellen. A tiring day – driving and playing with a nearly three year old all day!

Enjoyed a lovely walk around Woodchester Lakes yesterday with an old friend from work.

Hoping to go to Bristol to watch some cricket I am being treated but weather isn’t encouraging.

The title today is bookings and have had a few in recent days including a Care Home and a Festival.

Taff Trail

Spent today cycling my brother’s sponsored ride for a children’s cancer charity in Cardiff. So body is tired tonight (I had to get up really early to get to South Wales.) A lovely ride mostly by the River Taff with some climbs out of Brecon.


Books, Books and More Books

Books have dominated my week. We held our planning meeting for my book club “Beer and Books” on Wednesday night. We have put together a diverse programme of books to read. We are also going to have an evening where we talk about our favourite character from literature- these slightly different nights are always good fun!

Yesterday we had a lovely day starting with a visit to Cirencester. We spent a long time in the wonderful children’s bookshop “Octavia’s”– it is great to see so many books aimed at young people! We then had the afternoon with our grandsons and did the baby sitting so their parents could go out.

Some You Win, Some you………………..!!!!!!

Well I have had an action packed couple of sporting days. It started with football on Monday night. The least said the better! Best description was it was men against boys- certainly our defence was young and naïve! The journey home I did manage to see three meteorites and a barn owl- not sure if it eased the pain that much!

Yesterday I led my band of brothers (ancient ones) to near Wolverhampton to play cricket against Staffordshire. We won comfortably and has pushed us into  knockout cup instead of the vase competition we won last year so it is progress! We now face a trip to Wales!

Book Club tonight – will be interesting one as we plan our programme for the next 12 months.


I write before I set off to football – ridiculous though that sounds on such a hot day! My son sent me a message that the Mighty Hatters have lost every game they have played on the 12th August! We also haven’t beaten Burnley at home for ages!!! Add to that the continuing injury crisis in our threadbare defence that has spilt over from last season it makes one feel confident! (tongue firmly in my cheek)  COYH!!!!!!

Spent all of yesterday playing with my two grandsons  which is a joy!!!

A bit of a Battering!

I ended up playing young man’s cricket with my club today. Amazingly I was asked to open the batting. It was a lively pitch and I had to fend off many deliveries. Still I stuck at and was run out by a superb piece of fielding. We won as well! I am aiming to open the batting for the Seniors on Tuesday up in Staffordshire.

On the Story Telling front bookings are beginning to come in for the Autumn in a variety of places and audiences!