Summer of Sport????

Yesterday following all the heavy rain my cricket was off (we were supposed playing up in Staffordshire.) The rainfall over recent days has been heavy so our water butts and pond are full again!

I am enjoying the sport on TV especially the Tour de France – always like a travelogue for France (also a bit of Italy this time !) It is a sporting epic three weeks in the saddle up and down France! Just come in from taking young people bird watching at Wick Court so I am settling down to watching the Test Match (it is a tough life!) Haven’t watched much of the Euro Championships but hoping to watch England tonight.

On the bird watching today one group were delighted to see half a dozen Curlew flying in tight formation. A picture of one I took three years ago below.



Back Again!!

You are probably wondering where I have been as there has been an absence of my often incoherent rambling blogs! I did mention I was going to be busy!

Story Telling first! I was Story Telling on Thursday night and again Friday morning. Thursday was my regular slot at Wick Court with young people from near Swansea. (I had a delightful bird watching session with them on the Wednesday) They enjoyed the Japanese folk tale    £The man who loved stories”.

Friday I was in Highnam doing a story for the whole school it was my story “Harriet the Hippo” followed by story telling workshops with Y3 and Y4. I thoroughly enjoyed my morning and the school seemed to enjoy it.

I mentioned we had our Exeter family staying so at the weekend we had a wonderful time with the whole family including our Bishop’s Cleeve family. We all went to Cattle Country on Saturday where all three grandchildren had a whale of a time. It is precious moment  to be able to play with three delightful youngsters!

It all seems quiet here now and rather empty although we have been left with Tully the very relaxed greyhound. Picture below!


Calm Before The ………..

It has been all go here since we got back from South Devon. One last picture from Hope Cove below!


We have currently our Exeter family staying with us because their kitchen is being done1 So guess who is doing the childcare of Ellen our granddaughter? A picture from last night- Ellen cycled up to the lake last night – so the picture below is us looking at the common terns swooping on the lake!


It is Wick Court tomorrow for bird watching and then I am story telling on Thursday night for the visiting school (can’t remember which school it is this week.

I am also visiting Highnam School on Friday morning. for more story telling and a story telling workshop.