
Well it has been hot few days! My week has been some time in the garden, a couple of medium distance rides and reading! I also played cricket yesterday and I did the first part right and won the toss- obviously with the heat we batted. We managed to post a decent score that was demolished by a powerful Oxfordshire batting side. It will be my last year as captain (I have done three years)- we have one league game left and then the cup competition.

I was at Wick Court this morning bird watching with a youth group from Walton in Liverpool – a wide range of ages! I am story telling for them tomorrow.

Test Match

I had a thoroughly enjoyable day yesterday at the Test Match. Nothing beats live sport in the flesh, the crowd, the anticipation of moments, the drama and of course good company, The picture below is Joe Root (what a player) batting.



Off to Edgbaston tomorrow for the Test Match- game looks well poised after today. Looking forward to seeing Brook bat- a really talented player. Forecast looks ok!!!

Continuing the sporting theme my season ticket (well card) arrived last week but we have got some silly kick off times in the first two months! It disappointing how TV doesn’t take into account travelling fans. Ironically most of last season wasn’t too bad for kick off times.

On the bird front saw quite a few swifts flying over today.

I have my last story telling of the summer next week so really need to get down to both writing and learning new stories to tell.

One last photo from Bempton below- although you can’t see them on the rock there are thousands of gannets nesting on precarious ledges and there were many more rock faces with ledges full of birds.

Gannet Heaven

Well the body has recovered here in North Yorkshire following my 3 days across country on my bike. It was an excellent Sustrans route and often didn’t see a vehicle or bike for many miles! In fact the quietest ride of the many I have tried.
Today we visited Bempton Cliffs one of the RSPB’s jewels in the crown. We last visited probably nearly 20 years ago. The sky was filled with seabirds – gannets, kittiwakes, fulmars everywhere as well as numerous puffins and guillemots. Also saw tree sparrows and at least one corn bunting. I took loads of pictures on my camera which I will put on the blog when I get home. A few pictures from my phone below. I also enjoyed watching two swallows in the nest being fed by their parents.


Way of the Roses (2)

Finished the cycle across the country today ending up in Bridlington with 178 miles and plenty of climbing under my belt. Even the cricket team I lead won without me today!

Off birding at Bempton Cliffs tomorrow. Will attempt a proper blog when at home Thursday or Friday hopefully with some pictures added!

Way of The Roses

Currently cycling the Way of The Roses. Lots of climbing!!! Some assorted pictures below taken on my phone. Yesterday was particularly scary descending on steep roads with fresh gravel on. Today despite the drizzle was great for wildlife with deer, curlew, whimbrel, lapwing, oystercatcher all spotted on route.

I did have a lovely Story telling last Thursday with Y7s from Warwick at Wick Court.


St. Swithin’s Day

Yesterday was St. Swithin’s Day and it certainly was wet! Hopefully it won’t rain for another 40 days- we have had enough!!! It meant our cricket today was lost to the overnight rain. Be good if we get something that resembles summer turns up! I am away next week cycling so will miss cricket and hoping for that elusive summer weather!

We still have our four legged visitor staying with us. He is an elderly greyhound and is really laidback. He did actually get quite animated yesterday seeing a cat off our garden!

Col de Tourmalet and The Fugitives

A nostalgic day for the Church Boys  as the Tour de France went up the Tourmalet. We had a wonderful time cycling in the Pyrenees seven years ago. The highlight for us was to cycle up the Tourmalet. Watching yesterday as they went up the side we climbed it came flooding back how long it was- it was over 10 miles to the top and I think we climbed over 6,500 feet. I have posted a picture of me getting to the top before in this blog so I think the ones below are pictures that I haven’t posted before. Last night I went to watch a Canadian Folk Band –The Fugitives in Stroud. Excellent musicians and really entertaining.

Fingers crossed for the football tonight!



Oh Jimmy, Jimmy………..

A song I won’t be hearing again at the cricket! Of course Jimmy is the outstanding England cricketer Jimmy Anderson. He played his last match for England today. A fantastic career over many years and still playing Test Match Cricket and opening the bowling at 42! I have been fortunate over the years to see him play on numerous occasions on different Test Match grounds. He will be missed when I go to Edgbaston in a fortnight.

I enjoyed story telling last night to young people from Merton at Wick Court.

It is that busy time in the garden harvesting our fruit and vegetables- we spent quite a bit of time doing that today! Our blackcurrants have bee particularly prolific! Enjoy having them with our breakfast cereal also with our tasty blueberries