Devon Birds!!!!

Now back from our wonderful Devon break (Hope Cove). We thoroughly enjoyed our special  treat. A few of my bird  pictures I took on my camera while away.      

Saw and heard many trilling Skylarks like the one above!



On my walk yesterday I came across three Wheatear families- a couple of young birds above.


I took several pictures of a Heron at Bowling Green Marsh Topsham on the way down to South Devon- ironically as I  turned off the camera it caught a frog! Would of been an interesting photo!

Devon Break

Pictures above (all taken on the phone) are from Hope Cove in South Devon. We are currently enjoying being away for a few days. This is a result of my “unsung hero award” (sic). For my volunteering over a number of years I was put forward for this award! Having a lovely time – will add some pictures from my camera when I get home! I have to say this is a delightful place!


There has been much international sport taking place in recent weeks. There was also one taking place yesterday which I took part in! I was leading the Gloucestershire Over 60s (3rd team) against the might of Wales. Until yesterday we had always lost. Three quarters of the way through it looked like we were going to lose again until my big fast bowler Mark walked out to bat. He hit a whirlwind 67 in 32 balls to transform the game. We were delighted to get over the line the inflict a first defeat for Wales. It meant I was spared watching the England football match. It was hot playing yesterday!

Today I took the young people from Wyvil Primary School, Vauxhall bird watching at Wick Court. We managed not to melt!


Short blog today with no Story Telling today. I have been enjoying the 20/20 World Cup and good to see many of the underdogs having their moments. Fingers crossed for in England in the semi-final! I have missed a lot of the football and luckily missed England’s game v Denmark because of Story Telling. I will miss tomorrow’s game as well because I am playing cricket in Wales – at least the weather is set fair!

Midsummer Madness

A wonderful couple of days for The Story Traveller!  Today was the Wick Court Open Farm Day. I of course was story telling and generally helping out. We had an amazing 712 visitors – last year it just over 400! As always when you are story telling at these sorts of events is you have no idea what your audience is going to be like in terms of age range. I think I managed to compromise with the stories I told especially my second session.

Yesterday was the most delightful of days as a grandparent!. We met our two grandsons Owen and Robin (plus their Dad) at WWT Slimbridge. Well Robin who is 16 months was so animated at seeing all the birds (even the swans were “Quack, quacks” He was loving every minute of it. Owen went on the canoe safari with Pete his dad and I which was great. However, we had a lovely time later with Owen in Welly Boot Land. The best word to describe it was joyful as he whizzed round splashing in the water chatting away to himself. Even as i write this I am smiling at the magical day!

Birds, Bikes, Cricket and Stories

A flurry of activity through this week- might explain a lack of blogs!

Cricket organisation has taken up quite a bit of time and then my team played Worcestershire on Tuesday and sadly came second. Our batting should of got at least another 30 runs and my bowlers were unusually wayward. The captain (yours truly) will have strong words before Tuesday’s game against a powerful Wales team!

Lovely day with the young people from Chesterton Primary School Battersea bird watching at Wick Court. The weather was kind to us! I was there again tonight Story Telling – brought out the old favourite The Sleeping King for the first time in a while.

I have had a couple of enjoyable rides this week even unexpectedly bumping into a friend who rode with me and treated me to coffee and cake!

Fuzzy Picture

Below is a fuzzy picture of me performing at the GL 11 Fun Day- hopefully I might get some non-fuzzy ones in the next couple of days. I do find it challenging performing at these sort of events. Obviously when I am in a School, Village Hall or Arts Centre you have a a static audience. However having made that point it is important to do a few of these charity events. I am doing another one at the Wick Court Open Day on Sunday 23rd- this time I know i will be in the lovely Roundhouse so it easier to perform.

Had an enjoyable ride this morning – no wind and confident about no rain- which makes a change!


No Billy Goat Gruff!!!!


On Friday a couple of us took out Farmer John for lunch he has just retired at Wick Court. He going to help his son with goat business- they are aiming to make cheese next month. It was impressive to see their operation and their plans – the goats were very placid!

I didn’t get that wet cycling to Cam for my gig at GL 11 I hope I might get some photos from yesterday that I might be able to share on the blog. Was lovely to see some old friends helping out at the fun day.

I have had my worst bout of hay fever for many years- it has been a whole week of persistent sneezing! It is certainly tiring!

Out and About


As the title says I have been out and about quite a bit! The pictures above are from Yeo Valley Organic Garden we visited on Thursday- we got quite wet at the end! I took by binoculars and saw about 500+ swifts flying low over Chew Valley Lake.

Thursday evening was storytelling with young people from Clapham at Wick Court. 

I will put yesterday’s visit in a blog tomorrow with pictures!

I am just about to cycle (and it is wet again) to tell stories at the GL11 Community Project in Cam. I may end up there in a dishevelled and damp state!



Yes the figure hunched over his bat is me!!!! I know the stance isn’t great! Yesterday all our four Gloucestershire Over 60s teams won their games! In three of them 100s were scored- I wasn’t one of them!!! However, I managed my troops to what turned out to be a comfortable victory over Warwickshire and was chuffed with my fielding (several diving stops and a catch).

Delighted with the birds in our garden at the moment with so many young birds around. We are getting around 15 different species a week turning up that land somewhere, so I can’t count the swallows and martins over. We are also hearing oystercatcher, tern and cuckoo frequently.

Off to bird watch with young people at Wick Court later and have our Book Club BBQ tonight – we are discussing Small Things Like These – a provocative and beautifully written book.