
Currently starting to think of The Two Severn Bores next show and I am tentatively writing down ideas. Dan and I have thought of exploring Arthurian legend and so I am busy rehashing a story I must of written 40 years ago playing with modern day fable mixing up Merlin the magician with the Merlin the bird! Alright sounds far fetched at the moment! I am favouring maybe focussing the performance around Merlin more than Arthur. So watch this space!

I spent yesterday at Wick Court as part of their Blossom Day. I was bird watching with anyone who wanted to give it a go! I later went searching for a Hobby- no luck but the Oystercatcher and the two Common Terns below were good to see. I did manage to get a good view of a Hobby today! One of my favourite birds!


Down But Not Out!

Well the inevitable happened yesterday the Mighty Hatters were sadly relegated from the Premier League after losing at West Ham. I know I am biased but I think we have been a breath of fresh air to this league that often forgets its roots. Some pictures from yesterday below including me with Tom Lockyer our captain who unfortunately had that cardiac arrest last November- a moment to remind us that football isn’t really that important. It was emotional when the players and all the staff came over to the fans at the end to applaud them and they got a fifteen minute ovation from the travelling faithful. One picture sent to me by my friend Colin (a screenshot from Match of The Day) is of me and others around me looking glum!

I have been at Wick Court Blossom Day today doing some bird watching with anyone who wanted to.




Birds and Storytelling!

I had a delightful time with old friends from Ashmead Primary School Aylesbury this week. The young people really enjoyed the bird watching and we were all amazed they spotted 28 species. I managed to get a Chiffchaff for them to see in the scope- we also saw a few summer migrants. Last night I told them my old favourite Russian folk tale trick story – it is a good story and I do ham it up! The picture below is me telling that story a few years ago.

We are off to see Johnny Coppin tonight in Frampton Church. Tomorrow could be a sadly significant day for the Mighty Hatters – it could be all over! Of course I shall go with hope!


Tern, Tern, Tern Again!

Summer has certainly arrived with Common Terns galore on the Sailing Lake near home. A couple of pictures of one particular noisy individual! I counted at least 6.



Talking birds some more pictures below of birds from Splatt Bridge a Dunnock and a distant Marsh Harrier earlier this week.

I actually managed to get a game of cricket yesterday despite Monday’s downpours. Obviously a difficult pitch and we sadly lost by one run.




Thunder Road

The title is of course one of Bruce Springsteen’s anthems.

What a great night in Cardiff watching The Boss with probably 70,000 other people! He and the E Street Band  are superb performers and for three hours they never flagged in energy. One song followed seamlessly after another. His songs are so well crafted and the band are excellent musicians. The expanded brass section certainly made a significant difference. The Principality Stadium certainly rocked! I do enjoy the buzz of being in a large and expectant crowd. There was both pure rock and roll classic numbers and some poignant songs from his must recent album that reflect on his mortality.  Some pictures from phone below!

We have a few more gigs for different performers booked over the next months- nothing beats live performance! I have to say that as Storyteller who thrives on an audience!

Hoping to play cricket tomorrow against Oxfordshire (thunderstorms are forecasted there today!) In my little boy excitement of the first game of the season. I have already packed mykit  bag in anticipation!



The title refers to my feelings as a football fan. For my team the Mighty Hatters sadly doesn’t look so hopeful as I write. I thought we did enough to win last night and it was telling the return of one of injured stars scored a good goal and caused the Everton defence problems – just think where we might of been if he had made available more! Still I am off to West Ham next weekend!

Lovely Spring day here and we had a lovely walk this morning. Saw a Great White Egret (the picture below is one I took before). They are not as common as Little Egrets but their population in the UK is growing.

Enjoyed Story Telling on Thursday night – I told the Running Companion (Philippa Pearce story) for the first time in a long time.

We are excited to Cardiff tomorrow to see “The Boss”(Bruce Springsteen) – he is a wonderful performer and it will be the third time we have seen him live.


An Orange Ball in the Sky?

Yes we saw sunshine for part of today until tonight’s rain. It was actually quite hot when I was bird watching with young people from Sutton at Wick Court. One group with me got a good view of a Chiffchaff through the telescope. I am Story Telling for them tomorrow night.

Talking of the sunshine I cycled yesterday to collect cricket balls for our Gloucestershire Senior’s matches. It will be touch and go if we get our first game in next Tuesday!

It will be a novel experience having to vote tomorrow providing voter ID, sadly I feel we are beginning to replicate what is happening in the US with voter suppression.