Even Colder Today!!!!

Walking through ice today doing the monthly bird survey with a wind that was bitter! We saw four Bewick’s fly over- this was a first for us on the survey. Got good views of a Peregrine as well. My toes were like blocks of ice at the end! The picture below is a Peregrine I took on another occasion


Had a freezing ride into Stroud tonight to meet with friends from Wick Court to the Long Table a community food hub. So twice today I have got frozen!!!!!


At last we have winter weather! I was certainly cold setting off on my bike this morning. Tomorrow morning I will be up with the larks to do our monthly bird survey. Forecast is even colder for the morning so I will wrap up warm!

I have to re-book my train ticket for Saturday because the train I was going to catch has been cancelled! It now means I will have some time to kill in London before the game.

Winter Square 2

I was sent to the north of the county for my second of my map squares where I record every bird I see. I get given 2 squares in November and another two in February. I do enjoy these tasks because they are usually places I wouldn’t go bird watching. Plenty of winter thrushes (Fieldfares and Redwings). A surprise was a pair of Goldcrests.

Stop Press:       The Great Northern Diver was released in the sea at Clevedon last week! Good news!

Pictures below are of a Fieldfare and a Redwing I have taken in previous years.



Castle, Raptors and Footie

This was written on Monday but i forgot to post it-might be another blog later!

A super weekend! Apologies for no blog but I was otherwise occupied!!!

I was a Happy Hatter on Saturday after watching the Town win their first home win of the season. It was a hard fought game and the 13 minutes of added time was nerve wracking especially as Crystal Palace had brought on a “giant” ( a very tall player) near the end! We have many difficult fixtures coming up in December!

I had a wonderful day yesterday. We had a delightful time with my two grandsons and their parents. Owen who will be three next week and he sees me as a playmate so I am always on the go! The body aches afterwards!

The picture above is the first picture I have from yesterday’s Two Severn Bores gig at Berkeley Castle. I have been promised some more so watch this space! It was one of the most atmospheric venues I have performed at (Dan said the same!) We were pleased with our performance; we were doing our Destiny or Fate show and we are now looking for more venues to perform this show.

Finally I went looking for a Starling Murmuration tonight not many birds! However I saw a Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel, Fieldfares and a Kingfisher. The picture of a Marsh Harrier below is from one of my birding pals- I have put it in the blog before!



A mucky morning for me as I cleaned three of my bikes  and Clare’s – until this week the roads have been wet and muddy! I should of cleaned them after my rides! Also mended a puncture – there was a thorn in the tyre. They all look clean and chains have been oiled!

Had a lovely lunch at the Italian restaurant in Stonehouse afterwards with one of our oldest friends Dave.

Sadly we lost our quiz match last night – we made a late surge but ran out of time!

Off to watch the Mighty Hatters tomorrow and fingers crossed we get a much needed three points!

Transport Manager

Morning spent on my lap top booking flights for my cricket tour and a train ticket to London  for the Mighty Hatters next Saturday (which took the longest time!) Managed a few other jobs as well! Clare and I have spent the afternoon setting out the Blue Tractor Story ready to be made into a book fir our Grandson Owen. We still have got a third to do!

Off in a little while for last Wick Court story of the term for the young people of Gosport. Straight afterwards I am off for my first quiz league match of the season.

The picture of the Goldcrest yesterday wasn’t mine (sadly).


GND Update

As I have been asked about the health of the Great Northern Diver both through the blog and people around Frampton. Latest news! It is fine! The vets have given it the all clear. Slimbridge WWT have put out a request for a volunteer to take it to the Devon coast – it will certainly be happier there! Their legs are not designed for walking – it was thought it mistook the road for water. Picture below was taken last week!


Cricket Errands

Today  has been mainly taken up by cricket stuff. I was on a zoom call this morning about a tour I am on in February- will give more details about this exciting project in future blogs. That then gave me a job to do so I cycled into Gloucester. My journey was extended because I went to pick up the Vase my team won last September because I had arranged to have it engraved.

Some sad news today on the bird front. The Great Northern Diver that turned up in Frampton last week was found on a road in the nearby village of Saul. It is ok but has been taken to a vets. Sadly it needs to be on the sea.

Story Finding

Now back in Frampton after a lovely weekend looking after our delightful Ellen in Exeter for two days solo! We are exhausted now!

I am spending time searching for a new story to tell in the pub at Christmas. My Book Club (Beer and Books) do an old fashioned entertainment every December in the Three Horseshoes Frampton. It has songs, poems, sometimes juggling, a few jokes and a story! I am currently playing around with a couple of ideas because I often use this opportunity to tell a new story. So watch this space! The entertainment is on Wednesday 13th December starting at 8 pm all welcome! I will repeat this several times in future blogs!!!!

I have three more story telling slots before the 13th starting with Berkeley Castle this Sunday (26th) as the Two Severn Bores.