Close Shave!!!

The title refers to my cycle ride today. I was having a delightful 30 mile ride enjoying carpets of snowdrops and crocus by the roadside when it happened! An idiot in a transit van pulled out in front of me I shouted at him! Whereupon he tried to rune me off the road. Have to say my blood pressure rose at this moment. Generally I find motorists courteous and thoughtful but he certainly wasn’t one of them! Hope my next ride is a better experience!


Thought I would start today with some praise for Public Footpaths. Just got back from doing one of our Winter Bird Survey Map Squares so it involved using footpaths. It is great that there are paths all over the countryside in so many contrasting places. Really important we continue to use them!

It was a lovely morning up by the River Severn not far from Tewkesbury (where our square was- we always get a square to survey we would never normally have chosen to go bird watching!). Plenty of Fieldfares and Redwings! (Pictures of both below!)

Just back from my rehearsal for the Community Play I am in. I play the part of Charles Dickens! I have decided he would of had a London accent!

Have to mention yesterday’s football. My team played some superb one touch football in the first half. Great to see another win! Apparently we have the the best value in Europe for the last year of points (earned) per pound (spent)!!! I am very proud of my club doing it the right way! COYH!!!!!


Small Beacon of Hope

That sounds a rather enigmatic title! I am referring  to the that small signal that Spring is around the corner the Snowdrop. I have seen plenty of clumps this week in different places and they do make you smile. Today on my ride I was disappointed to see a mass of litter sprawled under a hedge and then as turned the corner there was a mini-carpet of Snowdrops to cheer me up. (the picture below is not mine!)

Had a lovely time with St. Philomena’s School this week at Wick Court. A great day bird watching with them and a delightful Story Telling with them last night. I wish I could have an audience like that all the time!

I met up with Dan (the musical half of Two Severn Bores) to plan our next show. Some great ideas emerged and we now need to start developing them fully.

Have to mention the Mighty Hatters moving up to 4th in the Championship- fingers crossed for tomorrow!