Wassail, Wassail!!!!

For the second year running I led the Wassail at Wick Court. Also like last year it was in   my own inimitable style! I started by explaining what a Wassail beforehand to the delightful young people from Ravenstone Primary School. I also had to fill in for 15 minutes so ended up telling Mollie The Sheep to them. Luckily the rain held off so we were able to give our toast and apple juice to the tree! If I get any pictures I will include them in future blogs. Afterwards I raced off to Gloucester to meet Clare and friends to attend a talk on Goshawks by James Aldred  a well known wild life cameraman.  He showed some great action clips and great photos.

Today it was looking after our wonderful grandson Owen which included going to “Tiny Tots Art!”

Just Like Buses

Just like the proverbial saying of the title you have spells when you have gaps on the Story Telling front then a ridiculous busy spell The early Autumn was quiet for me and then November/ December was like many buses all arriving at once. January has been quiet so far but I have just had a spurt of bookings for later winter/ early spring. Tomorrow I am leading the Wassail at Wick Court which will be done in my usual  idiosyncratic style! Also my first bird watching of the year group with young people before the Wassail.

Looking beyond gloomy January I have my AGM tonight for the Gloucestershire Seniors Cricket– will be good to meet up again with my cricketing chums.



Just back from Exeter where we have been on grandparent duty helping with the lovely Ellen (15 months old). We put her to bed for the first time and we were successful! This was a rehearsal for looking after her on our own. We are thoroughly enjoying being grandparents! We are with Owen (25 months old) on Thursday!

Have been struggling  on the writing front and it is getting urgent as I am supposed to meeting up with Dan (the musical  half of Two Severn Bores)  to discuss our Spring shows imminently!

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

  1. My goodness it is wet everywhere- loads of standing water! I managed to get out for a short walk- didn’t see too much. Kestrel again and some Mute Swans (pictures below). Tried to do some writing but struggled – I am trying to write a story for The Two Severn Bores. 

Currently listening to my team playing in the FA Cup – COYH!!!!!




Seat, Poems and Feeders

Title sums up my day! We ventured out early morning to do some jobs one of which was buying a child seat for the car! We now can be independent of our children and be able to take Owen and Ellen out in our own car! I think I might be compos mentis enough to be able to take it out and put it in again! Big step forward for us!

I have been writing family poems for years but with two young grandchildren I have tried to write a poem about them around their birthday. So the folders are especially for both grandchildren so there is a progressive record of their growing up.

Finally I went to Wick Court where I volunteer for the first time since we last had children visit in November to sort out the bird feeders so we are ready for our first school next week!

Female Blackcap

I posted a few days ago a picture of a male Blackcap in the feeder in the garden. Took this one today of the female Blackcap through the window and the rain in the same feeder! The Blackcaps that turn up in our garden in Winter are probably migrants from Europe possibly Germany. The Blackcaps we see in summer our resident birds it seems that the species has two distinct groups now.


I have been busy playing around with a possible story to tell for our next Two Severn Bores show. It is a well known legend that I am setting in the present day.


I am currently reading two books and both have captivated me. The first is A Room Made of Leaves by the Australian writer Kate Grenville about the early days of the new Australia through the eyes of the historical Elizabeth Macarthur. It is an easy read but thought provoking. The other book is much more niche! It is called They Played for David Pleat at Luton Town Volume 1. it is recollections from  many players from the golden era in the history of my football team. I find it pleasingly nostalgic! I have several other books waiting to be read so I need to get a move on!

I am starting to play with ideas for The Two Severn Bores next show. I am letting them germinate at the moment.

Went for a cracking ride this morning to call on a friend.

Enjoyed seeing friends yesterday and then rushing home to watch the second half of the football. Not as fluent as the last two games but good enough to win our third successive match! The Championship is great football to watch because it much more exciting than the Premiership because the teams can beat each other.