Had to be this title after watching our Peter in the London Triathlon on Saturday. Initially amazed to see so many people committed to various Triathlons over the weekend but remembered our exploits as the Dursley Donkeys in the Team Triathlon at Blenheim. Same organisation! Pete was a real star and we were beaming proud parents. It is lovely to be able to share events like this with our children.
I mentioned cricket last week and well what a tremendous start to the Test Match. Still feels unreal, I kept pinching myself to see if I was dreaming! We also won on Thursday so have just about qualified for the knock out stages!
Slowly beginning to make headway on writing my allotment story. Also had some new ideas for telling an old Welsh Folk Tale so I will slowly develop these themes over the next week or so. Hoping to have a another couple of new stories for adult audiences ready to perform during the next month.
Finally football creeps in, off to the Theatre of Mixed Dreams tomorrow night.