Away Day


Currently on a cultural break in Spain, 2nd visit within a month! Anyone after a booking please be patient should be able to answer any email s within a couple of days.

I was delighted with my gig yesterday, certainly improving on my technique. Will try to blog a few more times while away! Story continues to develop!

Ride On

Short blog today! I’ve been working on my story again today and surprised at how a twist I didn’t see coming appeared! Last part of writing today got a little bit stuck I may have to rewrite this part (a bit wordy!)

Story Telling on Wednesday night this week so it should add to the atmosphere!

Had a long ride with our Peter on Saturday. He wanted to do all of Stroud’s five valleys so we did a lot of miles and some steep climbing! Enjoyed whizzing down the Slad Valley!

For those of you wondering how I am after the football this weekend the answer is philosophical!


An interesting day! I had a lovely bird watch early this morning and we had many highlights We watched a cuckoo and some fantastic displays by other birds.

Later wearing my Children’s Centre hat we had a visit from Yvette Cooper to the centre. We had the chance to put over important messages on funding.

Another Story Telling this afternoon with some delightful young people.

I have been working on my story this week and had some new ideas that I have been pleased with.

The Music Never Stopped

I performed for the first time after my short break with all those social activities! It was my Wick Court residency. I tried out a new story a traditional one the “Frog Princess” with a bit of fine tuning it should be useful addition to my material. I spent some time today working on my story based at Wick Court and I should be able to try and do a telling in the not to distant future. I still have a couple of technical hitches to overcome to make sure the story hangs together.

I’ve been clocking up some miles on the bike over the last fortnight including some decent hills.

My favourite time of the year for birding as the migrants start appearing. Saw my first Wheatear yesterday, as well as various warblers. We even had an Avocet at Frampton!

Osprey Catch

The dust has settled from last weekend. Shock horror I have had to turn down two Story Telling opportunities for later in the summer because I have other commitments that have sadly clashed. I am normally fairly flexible but long-standing arrangements have got in the way! One was at a festival which would have been different for me.

I have been back on the bike and have been clocking up the miles over the week. I have been pleased with my climbing considering I have had a fortnight off.

At the end of last week we went North to see an old friend who is seriously ill. We camped in Cedric (our wonderful camper) by Morecambe Bay and witnessed a wonderful sunset. A special highlight was seeing an Osprey appear and dive and catch a large fish-magic! I’ve seen a few over the last few years  but to watch one catch a fish was a first for me!

Notice I have avoided mentioning football. I went yesterday and although we played well and were unlucky that is just about it as far as this season goes!

We are Family……..

This blog will be all about how proud a Dad I am so you may wish to switch off now! We travelled down to Exeter on Thursday and called in on Dave and Vicky to check how things were for the weekend. Both were excited and looking forward to the weekend. We had a super Thai meal on Cathedral Green.

Friday afternoon was where the action started. We were initially struck by how barren the marquee at Double Locks looked until we got to work. Great team work saw the bunting and tape transform the venue. Clare had played a blinder doing metres and metres of bunting and table cloths out of attractive material. With Dave and Vicky’s little touches it all ready for action! Pete and Nicola later delivered the cake that Nicola had made.

On the Saturday morning I was Nicola’s assistant putting the cake together. It looked great and she was superbly organised.

The Guild Hall was an impressive venue for the actual wedding. I will admit it! I was very emotional watching my son and the radiant Vicky in front of me. “Cedric” our wonderful camper van was a great wedding vehicle bringing Vicky and her Dad to the Guild Hall and later taking Dave and Vicky to Double Locks. It all went like a dream, I was impressed and proud by all my family’s contributions. Pete was also joint Best Man. When we eventually went to bed we were both smiling!

Slowly recovering back at home after seeming to be away for ages. We are both tired!


The Boy is back in Town (well village actually)

Well the Gloucestershire greying and balding cricketers are back from their adventures in deepest Spain. A fine time was had by one and all! Sadly my body is shot to pieces and needs some recovery time! Had problems with my back on Sunday’s game which did hamper me.

I did manage to pen a few more ideas on the current story I am writing and also some thoughts on how I might perform it.

Off to Exeter tomorrow to prepare for David’s wedding on Saturday.